Monday, February 4, 2008

Entrepreneurship: I'm doing it.

I was looking for a coop (think paid internship), which is a required course of action in the engineering programs at RIT, and I was talking to my good friend Eric Marsh (he runs metaverse solutions) .

For some background, Eric and I are both nerds and we met while I was in the 10th grade (just before 9/11/01). Since then I have frequented his house in order to play with 'toys' such as ion wind generators, monitor power supplies, all sorts of chemicals and of course computers. About a year ago I started becoming interested in starting my own company (I was working at a startup at the time, for my coop: Savant ) rather than working my life for someone else. So of course I started perusing the interweb for entrepreneur/startup related readings and stumbled onto Paul Graham's inspirational writings. That really got the ball rolling in my head about starting a company, and of course I shared this with Eric. Maybe he took this as my approval for entrepreneurs or, god help him, advice, but he dropped out of George Mason and started his current company (Metaverse Solutions). So far it has worked out for him.

Anyway back to recent times, I was looking for a coop and talking to my good friend Eric. I half-assedly offered up the possibility of starting my own company. Without skipping a beat, Eric sent me quotes and sayings all from articles I had read that boiled down to: "Now is the best time to do anything, later will be too late". He even coupled those quotes and sayings with an idea we both had discussed about 4 months before.

That is when it hit me. A surge of deep excitement, images of a future of my own company, me at the helm. I was going to do it, but I couldn't do it alone. So with some more talking I had convinced Eric to start it with me.

I'm starting a company and getting a school requirement done at the same time. I've already spent nights awake thinking about conceptual problems with our idea and how to fix them. Soon parts will be ordered so I can play with the idea in the real world. Hopefully I've got a prototype to show you ASAP, but I was just so excited that I'm finally doing it I needed to post just that.

And right now, since our idea is so fragile and still in the works I refuse to go into detail about it so publically. That will come once I've got something to show.

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